Welcome to Winstanley Wellbeing!
Here you'll find some general information about college and the policies associated with Wellbeing and Mental Health.
For help from Study Support, click <here>.
Find information sheets and video Q&As with Winstanley College's Targeted Support Mentor - Katherine.
The videos cover topics such as Balancing Your Time, Transition Tips, and information about various Mental Health Disorders.
Don't forget to look at the study support available in college too, by clicking <here>.
Watch the video to see why self care is so important and how you can make your own plan using the downloadable template.
Find a series of relaxation recording here - each lasting between 7 and 15 minutes.
If you have any suggestions for relaxation recordings, please email katherine.cropper@winstanley.ac.uk for your ideas to be considered.
Here you'll find some suggestions for places you can go for help and support.
Whether it's term time or the holidays, you'll find a number of different places you can go to for support.